Our annual Carols for Everyone festive family Christmas concert took place in Southwell Minster.
Santa Claus was out with his elves for 12 nights and two Saturday mornings around Southwell and surrounding villages, collecting funds which the Lions will distribute to good causes throughout 2025.
The Lions joined other community organisations in Southwell at the Methodist Church annual Christmas Tree Festival.
The annual Westgate Group party was held on 4th December and was visited by none other than Santa Claus.
Isabel Rukas, a pupil at Lowes Wong Junior School, came first in the annual ROAR competition, ahead of hundreds of entries from across our District.
November 2024
Our Autumn Quiz raised over £2,300, which will go towards various good causes during 2025.
We made donations to: * KIds cancer charity for a family with a child with cancer to go on a short holiday * Two Girl Guides towards their attendance at an international camp in Iceland * Southwell First Responders, to purchase new protective jackets * A new Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, recently established in Southwell
We carried out our usual duties on Remembrance Sunday, acting as marshalls at the Burgage and other points around town to ensure the Remembrance Day service and parade passed off smoothly.
October 2024
We attended the launch of Baby Basics, following our donation to this new charity (see below).
At our monthly social meeting, we heard a very interesting and enlightening talk about Tools for Africa, formerly Tools for Self Reliance.
We made donations to * Baby Basics, a new charity that provides essential supplies to vulnerable families with a newborn * Minster School PTA towards a climbing wall and other equipment to provide attractive extracurricular activities to help reduce absenteeism * Farnsfield Community to provide sweets for children when the Notts Young Farmers Tractor Run goes through the village * PASIC, which provides care and support for young people with cancer and their families * Nottinghamshire MIND
We held our 43rd Charter dinner at the Saracens Head, to welcome in (rather belatedly) new President NIck Cocks.
September 2024
23 Guides in Southwell were presented with Lions Challenge badge for life skills - the first Guides in the world to achieve the badge.
The World's Biggest Coffee morning, organised with help from Southwell Rotary, raised over £1,400 for Macmillan Cancer Support.
Southwell Lions were on hand to manage the car parking at the Dragon Boat Racing festival in Newark.
Our Comedy Night raised over £1,500 for Beaumond House Hospice Care.
Several Lions were on hand as marshalls as the Tour of Britain cycle race (and its extensive entourage of cars and motorcycles) sped through Southwell
August 2024
Despite the weather, several Lions carried out bucket collections at Southwell Music Festival fringe events on behalf of Beaumond House Hospice Care.
We made donations to * The Beaumond House Big Give campaign * Southwell Guides * A Girl Guide towards her attendance at an international camp in Iceland * Southwell Cricket Club * Child Sight UK Vision cameras
We sponsored the Rainbows Childrens Hospice Gold Day on 16th August.
July 2024
A group of rainsoaked Lions enjoyed half a T20 match at Trent Bridge before being rained off.
We made donations to * The Reach Big Give campaign * Emmanuel House homeless charity in Nottingham * Southwell Women's Institute
The (outgoing) President's BBQ took place on 6th July.
June 2024
June's social evening involved a walk to Thurgarton followed by a meal in the Red Lion. The sun shone all evening!
We made donations to * PTSD Resolution, a charity that supports ex-servicemen and women * Southwell Swimming Club, raised at the Southwell Garden Party
We took part in the Southwell Garden Party on 9th June, featuring the Duck Pluck and Wellie Wanging.
May 2024
Our annual Spring Quiz raised £1800 for good causes.
We made donations to * Minster School Junior Dept for equipment to start a new gardening club * Farnsfield St Michaels Junior School to purchase specialist books to help bereaved children and to pay for courses for teachers to provide counselling to bereaved children * LCIF Brazil appeal to empower Lions in Brazil to help their communities recover from severe flooding in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, after more than 70 people were killed, with dozens more missing, and over 80,000 are displaced.
We replenished the planters on the entry roads to Southwell to welcome residents and visitors to the town
April 2024
We made donations to * Homestart Newark to help run a summer trip for many of the families they support * John Eastwood Hospice, Sutton-in-Ashfield to help fund a Digital Activity Table to help enhance the quality of life of their patients * Southwell Scouts to help fund the cost of as new boiler at Scout HQ * Sekenami School, Kenya to bring sanitation, cleaner water and feminine hygiene facilities and training to the 900+ girls who attend the school. * the LCIF Taiwan appeal to send aid to the local Lions Club to distribute to victims of the recent earthquake in Taiwan
March 2024
We made donations to * Activity Alliance towards their Annual National Junior Championship Games for disabled athletes * Newark Emmaus Trust * Brain Tumour Research via its virtual balloon race in May
February 2024
Lion Graham Coulson was given an award in recognition of his 20 years' service with the Lions
Our annual collection for Marie Curie took place at Morrisons in Newark
We made donations to * MHA - for equipment to expand their exercise sessions * MySight Newark - for a public music licence for their meetings and assistance with general running costs * Farnsfield Community Spaces - for help with the purchase and installation of swift boxes * WaterAid and Sightsavers * Cardiomyopathy UK, a charity that funds research into the disease
January 2024
The Lions Burns Night Supper made a successful return on 26th January in the Great Hall at Southwell Minster.
Lion Barry Erlston was presented with an award for 45 years' service in Southwell Lions.
We presented a cheque for £2,500 to Maggie's Centre at Nottingham City Hospital, raised at the Carols for Everyone concert in December.
The Bob Eastty Swimathon Trophy was awarded to Southwell Swimming Club for winning the event which was held at Southwell Leisure Centre last October.
We helped Beaumond House dismantle its Southwell shop ahead of its complete refurbishment.
We made donations to: * Southwell prebend Preschool for new outdoor equipment * a junior elite sportsman for new equipment as he aims high, representing Great Britain * a young Ukrainian resident, for bicycle safety equipment