Carols for Everyone will take place at Southwell Minster this year on Saturday, 10th December. If you would like your charity, good cause or community group to be the beneficiary, or you want to nominate one, please get in contact with us via our Contact Us page or email [email protected].
We'll need to know the name of your group, what it does and how it plans to use the money raised. Don't forget to include your contact details! Deadline for applications is 30th September. Previous beneficiaries have included Framework, Chernobyl Childrens Life Line, NORSACA (Nottingham Regional Society for Adults and Children with Autism), Himalayan Trust (furniture for Schools programme), REACH, Beaumond House, Tools for Self Reliance, Rainbows Hospice, Keframa High School in Uganda and SRiS (Support Refugees in Southwell). |
Lions UK have formed the Lions Brain Tumour Research Appeal (Lions BTR) with Brain Tumour Research, to raise £1,000,000 to help fund game changing research and raise awareness of brain tumours. 16,000 people are diagnosed with a brain tumour in the UK each year. At any one time there are about 60,000 people living with a brain tumour.
Our coastal walk challenge in 2021 was Southwell Lions’ first step to help raise funds. The Lions District VIRTUAL balloon race is another way for us to raise funds for this worthy cause, whilst having a bit of a flutter. The race starts on 13th March and ends on 27th March. The owner of the balloon that has ‘travelled’ furthest will receive £100 and there are 10 runner up prizes. The virtual balloons are just £5 each via, where you can also track your balloon’s progress over the two weeks. Do please have a go and help us support this much needed research. |