The guiding principle behind the Lions is 'We Serve'.
Serving our community - whether local national or international - is more than just donating to good causes. Of course, that is one of the primary ways in which we serve our community and, during 2021, despite difficulties with fund-raising due to Covid-19, we have helped the following:
Southwell Rugby Club Juniors
Literacy Volunteers
Southwell Brownies
Marie Curie
Sherwood Forest Hospitals Charity
Jonathan's Voice
Minster Junior School
Bethlehem Lions Christmas Appeal
Nottingham Hospitals Charity
MHA Live at Home
Southwell First Aiders, to install another defibrillator
Brain Tumour Research
Sight Savers
To find out more about how we have helped these organisations, please click here.
Helping our neighbours Very often, it's not a donation that's needed, it's a helping hand - and the Lions are always willing to provide that service. Among the many ways that we have served our community this year are:
Litter picks in Southwell and Farnsfield
Replanting and maintaining the planters on roads into Southwell
Volunteering at Newark Vaccination Centre
Spectacle recycling with Police Aid Convoys
To read more about these initiatives, please click here.